HomeAcademic Resources

Academic Resources

This website section is in development, pending funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program. This grant would be developed in collaboration with the University of Oregon U.S. Vietnam Research Center/Global Studies Institute, the University of California Irvine Southeast Asian Archive, and The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Future improvements would include:

(1) linked open access to the first volume on the history of Vietnamese Americans, currently titled "Toward a Framework for Vietnamese American Studies: History, Community and Memory," edited by Linda Ho Peche, Alex-Thai Vo and Tuong Vu, and under contract with Temple University Press

(2) a corresponding upper-division undergraduate syllabus based on this volume will provide open-access primary sources and other media

(3) a community guide for conducting and transcribing oral histories

(4) a comprehensive reference list to diasporic Vietnamese oral history projects including online collections, public history institutions, archival repositories that are accessible to the public, "finding aids" to assist users in locating information in collections, as well as contextual information about the development of these interview projects